Out with the Corn – In with the Garlic!

You will notice that the background image for this blog (and the main website) has changed. Why, you may ask? About a week ago someone recommend that I check out a website about a documentary called “King Corn“; which is about “two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation”.

I took a look at the website for this film and found some fascinating  information. In looking all around the site, I found a link to four different commercials, two put out by the Corn Refiners Association (part of a $25 Million campaign to defend HFCS) and two spoofs by the makers of this film (one of them is below).

At the end of the commercials from the CRA there is a website link to a site called sweetsurprise.com. I was shocked at what I saw….there was the pretty image that I had been using for my background. I found that image quite a long time ago on a site with royalty-free images and I had been really pleased with the way it fit with this website….BUT, I do not want to be associated  in any, even small, way with High Fructose Corn Syrup….SO…since there is more than enough corn in everything these days, it does not need to be in my website…the background had to go.

I have replaced it with a great photo of a garlic flower! I never even knew what a garlic flower looked like, but now I do. Garlic is something I’m proud to promote.

So there is my very long winded explanation! Out with the Corn – In with the Garlic!

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